Altar Servers/Accolytes
For all Boys and Young Men:
For those who have been baptized and confirmed in the Orthodox Christian faith, and are at least eight years old, please prayerfully consider the privilege of serving around the Holy Altar Table here at St. Sophia Church. For those who are eligible (and to their parents), please be reminded that this sacred opportunity and formational ministry, is available to those who desire to consistently participate, are willing to learn, and who are responsibly able to follow directions given during the various Holy services. In addition to the Sunday Divine Liturgy, there are numerous other evening, weekday, and holiday services offered throughout the year, in which those so willing and able are encouraged to participate.
To the boys and young men (and their parents) who already joyfully attend to this liturgical labor, thank you again for your ongoing dedication, enthusiasm, and attentive example.
St. Sophia Altar Server (Acolyte) Responsibilities
Prepare to receive Holy Communion as often as possible through prayer, fasting, confession, spiritual reading (Bible) and proper thoughts, words and deeds that show your love for our Lord.
Proper attire is requested (dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. No shorts please).
Arrive at church for Sunday Divine Liturgy by 9:45 am.
Admittance to the Altar will be closed after the Great Entrance. Late entries may be distracting and disruptive to worship.
Respect all people and all items used during worship services. This is demonstrated by how you behave.
You should have your robe blessed by the priest before you put it on and ask for his blessing to serve by going up to him with your robe neatly folded saying “Father, give the blessing”.
All are encouraged to follow the liturgy with the service books provided to understand the timing and items used for the various and specific duties for the smooth flow of worship. If you are not sure, ask.
Take proper care of your robe. Make sure that you hang them up properly so that they don’t fall to the ground.
Make sure that the sanctuary is left clean and ready for the next service.
For all Boys and Young Men:
For those who have been baptized and confirmed in the Orthodox Christian faith, and are at least eight years old, please prayerfully consider the privilege of serving around the Holy Altar Table here at St. Sophia Church. For those who are eligible (and to their parents), please be reminded that this sacred opportunity and formational ministry, is available to those who desire to consistently participate, are willing to learn, and who are responsibly able to follow directions given during the various Holy services. In addition to the Sunday Divine Liturgy, there are numerous other evening, weekday, and holiday services offered throughout the year, in which those so willing and able are encouraged to participate.
To the boys and young men (and their parents) who already joyfully attend to this liturgical labor, thank you again for your ongoing dedication, enthusiasm, and attentive example.
St. Sophia Altar Server (Acolyte) Responsibilities
Prepare to receive Holy Communion as often as possible through prayer, fasting, confession, spiritual reading (Bible) and proper thoughts, words and deeds that show your love for our Lord.
Proper attire is requested (dress shirt, dress pants and dress shoes. No shorts please).
Arrive at church for Sunday Divine Liturgy by 9:45 am.
Admittance to the Altar will be closed after the Great Entrance. Late entries may be distracting and disruptive to worship.
Respect all people and all items used during worship services. This is demonstrated by how you behave.
You should have your robe blessed by the priest before you put it on and ask for his blessing to serve by going up to him with your robe neatly folded saying “Father, give the blessing”.
All are encouraged to follow the liturgy with the service books provided to understand the timing and items used for the various and specific duties for the smooth flow of worship. If you are not sure, ask.
Take proper care of your robe. Make sure that you hang them up properly so that they don’t fall to the ground.
Make sure that the sanctuary is left clean and ready for the next service.