Vacation Bible School
Our Vacation Bible School 2013 theme was "St. Paul in Athens" VBS took place on August 19-23. The program included dramas, games, dancing, singing, crafts, and a taste of ancient Athens! Our children ages 5 up to 5th grades participated in the program, learning about their faith, and having fun together! High school and middle-school students served as group leaders, working with adult volunteers. Volunteer opportunities included arts and crafts, decorations, costumes, singing, Olympic-style games, Greek dance, dramas, and leaders of groups of children as they went to the different activities. Volunteers also helped with registration, planning, and set-up.
Our first year of VBS at St Sophia was a resounding success, due to our dedicated and talented volunteers! 25 children from our parish, St. Innocent parish and the surrounding community learned about St Paul's journey to Athens through Bible lessons and dramas, and entered into the experience of ancient Greece through arts, crafts, snacks, an interactive map lesson, music, baking, and dance. A big thank you to our amazing team of volunteers from both parishes:
Fr Michael for Bible lessons and banners, Fr. Gregory for his portrayal of St. Paul, Lynn Day for her part in the dramas, Tawni Martini for scripts, Bill Day for his interactive geographical exhibit, Tammy Mattson for her pottery work, Bryant Mattson for setting up the tents, Brooksana and Samantha Raney for sewing 22 costumes and providing us with the authentic tent which graced our front lawn, Joyce Piantes for snacks and baking, Stacy Sjoglund for the music, Mackenzie Gwinn for organizing the group leaders and lessons as well as Greek dance, Holly Jean Grow for providing, transporting, and supervising the petting zoo, Dalene Piantes for the toymaking shop, Georgia Sentkowski and Mary Hulbush for registrations, Effie and Sarah Eisses and Jason Morgan for Olympic sports, Christina Gholam and Laetitia and Estelle Assink for the Scribe studio, Spring Petta for organizational skills, Nick Mattson for all-around help, and Anastasia Boulos, Bassoumi Boulos, Juju Gholam, Sofia Chahine, Adriana Boulos and Emmelia Bachelor for leadership of the Oikos groups, and our ladies Philoptochos for the service project, and numerous other people who helped with set up and clean up.
Finally, thank you Presvytera Elizabeth for inspiring the creation of VBS, organizing it and gathering all of the volunteers and students.
Thank you all!
PS... Watch for announcements this fall about the theme and dates of next summer's Vacation Bible School!
Our Vacation Bible School 2013 theme was "St. Paul in Athens" VBS took place on August 19-23. The program included dramas, games, dancing, singing, crafts, and a taste of ancient Athens! Our children ages 5 up to 5th grades participated in the program, learning about their faith, and having fun together! High school and middle-school students served as group leaders, working with adult volunteers. Volunteer opportunities included arts and crafts, decorations, costumes, singing, Olympic-style games, Greek dance, dramas, and leaders of groups of children as they went to the different activities. Volunteers also helped with registration, planning, and set-up.
Our first year of VBS at St Sophia was a resounding success, due to our dedicated and talented volunteers! 25 children from our parish, St. Innocent parish and the surrounding community learned about St Paul's journey to Athens through Bible lessons and dramas, and entered into the experience of ancient Greece through arts, crafts, snacks, an interactive map lesson, music, baking, and dance. A big thank you to our amazing team of volunteers from both parishes:
Fr Michael for Bible lessons and banners, Fr. Gregory for his portrayal of St. Paul, Lynn Day for her part in the dramas, Tawni Martini for scripts, Bill Day for his interactive geographical exhibit, Tammy Mattson for her pottery work, Bryant Mattson for setting up the tents, Brooksana and Samantha Raney for sewing 22 costumes and providing us with the authentic tent which graced our front lawn, Joyce Piantes for snacks and baking, Stacy Sjoglund for the music, Mackenzie Gwinn for organizing the group leaders and lessons as well as Greek dance, Holly Jean Grow for providing, transporting, and supervising the petting zoo, Dalene Piantes for the toymaking shop, Georgia Sentkowski and Mary Hulbush for registrations, Effie and Sarah Eisses and Jason Morgan for Olympic sports, Christina Gholam and Laetitia and Estelle Assink for the Scribe studio, Spring Petta for organizational skills, Nick Mattson for all-around help, and Anastasia Boulos, Bassoumi Boulos, Juju Gholam, Sofia Chahine, Adriana Boulos and Emmelia Bachelor for leadership of the Oikos groups, and our ladies Philoptochos for the service project, and numerous other people who helped with set up and clean up.
Finally, thank you Presvytera Elizabeth for inspiring the creation of VBS, organizing it and gathering all of the volunteers and students.
Thank you all!
PS... Watch for announcements this fall about the theme and dates of next summer's Vacation Bible School!